Who are we?

We are the next generation of legal services.
We are here to create the future.

Millions of people around the world face daily injustices that they do not feel able to face individually.

How do we fight powerful enemies, often in jurisdictions beyond our reach, who do not have the will to repair the damages they generate and who have large budgets for their legal defense, when we do not have the money, time or energy to do it alone?

We are here to make it possible for those people to fight those battles. We are here to empower those people who were once alone.

We are here so that this strength cannot be stopped even by the most powerful. We exist so that no matter where or against whom, people know and can take part in those causes that affect them and have everything necessary to emerge triumphant to be those who best represent that purpose.

We exist to make these causes economically viable, so that the people affected can know of their existence even in the most remote places. So that being part of them is easy and safe. So that more and more people have access to high-quality legal services.

Merci expands opportunities and the ability to obtain justice for those who have been deprived of that possibility.

What do we do?

No matter against whom or in what jurisdiction, we work to enable people to take part in lawsuits that affect them and would otherwise be beyond their reach.

We make use of the most advanced communication and information technologies available so that the greatest number of people in the world can learn about these cases and demand justice in the easiest and most effective way possible.

We bring together the most suitable experts for each of them; we make them financially viable; we provide a friendly, easy, fast and secure technological environment; and we deploy a committed and high quality legal management, until we obtain the highest possible redress for them. And, regardless of their number, our commitment is that each of our customers receive the best care


Awards & Media

Our Cases

Here are the cases we are currently working on: